Gaiam Recycled Yoga Block (Pacific Blue) reviews

Gaiam Recycled Yoga Block (Pacific Blue)

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Gaiam Recycled Yoga Block (Pacific Blue) Review and Overviews
If you Find Gaiam Recycled Yoga Block (Pacific Blue) cheapest price .This is reviews and overviews for Gaiam Recycled Yoga Block (Pacific Blue).
Gaiam's foam yoga block provides extra height, stability and support, and the embossed pattern adds style and extra traction. Used under hands, feet or your seat, Gaiam's lightweight block ensures proper alignment and safely assists in deepening stretches. and then update cheapest prices immediately. Limited time Only!

Gaiam Recycled Yoga Block (Pacific Blue) Feature

  • Spot clean with mild detergent.
  • Towel or air dry

Gaiam Recycled Yoga Block (Pacific Blue) Specification

Gaiam's recycled foam yoga block provides extra height, stability and support for those challenging poses and your practice, and the embossed pattern adds style and extra traction. Used under hands, feet, or your seat, Gaiam's lightweight block ensures proper alignment and safely assists in deepening stretches and attaining difficult poses. The block measures 9 by 5 by 4 inches (W x H x D).

About Gaiam Gaiam was created as a lifestyle company with the vision that, given a choice, people would choose a lifestyle that is healthy and life enhancing, for themselves, their families and the Earth. The Gaiam lifestyle is a vote for individual health as well as the future sustainability of the Earth's resources. Gaiam strives to provide customers with alternatives to traditional products by offering natural or healthy versions that compare with the style, quality and price of conventional products.

Gaiam's goal is to become the trusted source and unifying brand for Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) participants. They understand that the opportunity to affect people's lives with information and products is both a privilege and a responsibility. Gaiam believes in the concept of Conscious Commerce, the practice of making purchasing decisions based on personal values and beliefs. It takes into consideration all the aspects of our lives and the impact we have upon the planet. Research indicates this concept appeals to approximately 50 million people in the U.S. alone. Gaiam's strategy in delivering the distinctive quality for which they are known is to partner with experts in health/wellness, eco-living and personal development to develop proprietary products that meet our customers' needs with meaningful solutions.

The name GAIAM is a fusion of the words Gaia (the name of Mother Earth from the Minoan civilization in ancient Crete), and I am reminds us that we are all interconnected with the Earth, the air and water, and very much a part of this living system that sustains us all.

Gaiam Recycled Yoga Block (Pacific Blue) customers ratings and customer review
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Gaiam Recycled Yoga Block (Pacific Blue). If you want to read those detailsto make your decision on product. Click to see all customers reviews & ratings here

The items is available for purchase on the low price at the moment and good quality with saver shipping. Thank you and Happy shopping online.

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